Postombud ICA Maxi Visby

Follingboväg 70
621 43 VISBY
Visa vägen dit
020-23 22 21
57.623763, 18.322417
  • måndag
    07.00 - 22.00
  • tisdag
    07.00 - 22.00
  • onsdag
    07.00 - 22.00
  • torsdag
    07.00 - 22.00
  • fredag
    07.00 - 22.00
  • lördag
    07.00 - 22.00
  • söndag
    07.00 - 22.00
Kundservicetelefonen svarar m-f 8-17 på +46 8 23 22 21.
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11. maj 2022 kl. 19:30

Hi, I have a parcel from the German Embassy (Shipment ID RR967978858SE) which needs to be picked up before the 25th of May. Unfortunately I won't be be in Visby until the 29th. Could you please send me a link so I can identify myself with bank ID and receive a code so someone else can pick up the parcel for me? Thank you.

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