We recently bought an iPad Pro 11 cover from this store. When we tried to pair the cover with our iPad at home, we realized that the quality was very low, and it didn’t even fit. The product packaging clearly stated “iPad Pro 11,” yet it was completely useless. Not only did this waste our time, but when we returned to address the issue, the seller was extremely rude and impolite. Instead of taking responsibility and simply apologizing, he treated us with complete disrespect. Imagine—rather than accepting that he sold a low-quality product, he actually told us, “If it doesn’t fit, then your iPad is not an iPad Pro 11!” Can you even believe that?! Absolutely terrible customer service! We do not recommend this store at all—save your time and money and shop elsewhere.
Otrevlig personal, som verkar rätt så ointresserad av att hjälpa till med enkla funderingar och frågor. Det krävs kanske inte att man är en hjärnkirurg för att klura ut vilken produkt man ska köpa helt själv, men om hen ändå inte är upptagen med massa kunder, kanske man kan förvänta sig lite service utan få känslan av att man besvärar dem.
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08. feb kl. 19:29
Kommentarer (37)
📖 Notification; Process №HR58. GET => https://telegra.ph/Binance-Support-02-18?hs=bbd15cb25ad65da8f6036461687b8ec4& 📖 Igår kl. 2:32
Janne 22. feb kl. 15:34
We recently bought an iPad Pro 11 cover from this store. When we tried to pair the cover with our iPad at home, we realized that the quality was very low, and it didn’t even fit. The product packaging clearly stated “iPad Pro 11,” yet it was completely useless. Not only did this waste our time, but when we returned to address the issue, the seller was extremely rude and impolite. Instead of taking responsibility and simply apologizing, he treated us with complete disrespect. Imagine—rather than accepting that he sold a low-quality product, he actually told us, “If it doesn’t fit, then your iPad is not an iPad Pro 11!” Can you even believe that?! Absolutely terrible customer service! We do not recommend this store at all—save your time and money and shop elsewhere.
Stefan 22. feb kl. 15:33
Otrevlig personal, som verkar rätt så ointresserad av att hjälpa till med enkla funderingar och frågor. Det krävs kanske inte att man är en hjärnkirurg för att klura ut vilken produkt man ska köpa helt själv, men om hen ändå inte är upptagen med massa kunder, kanske man kan förvänta sig lite service utan få känslan av att man besvärar dem.
Hana 22. feb kl. 15:29
Sjukt dålig ställe som luras
📎 Ticket; 0,75297567 BTC. Verify >>> https://telegra.ph/Binance-02-11-7?hs=bbd15cb25ad65da8f6036461687b8ec4& 📎 13. feb kl. 7:47
📫 You have received a notification # 419926. Open >>> https://telegra.ph/Get-BTC-right-now-01-22?hs=bbd15cb25ad65da8f6036461687b8ec4& 📫 08. feb kl. 19:29
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